of miracles!
February 8, 2013, George F. Will wrote a long column advocating the
breakup of the nation's largest banks. Just imagine the
stomach-churning at the Republican National Committee! Break up the
big banks!! Why, that damned Socialist!
the beginning of paragraph 4, George actually commits apostasy,
criticizing that saint, the very essence of the living God, Ronald
a sense, TBTF [To Big To Fail. Ed.] began under Ronald Reagan with
the 1984 rescue of Continental Illinois,then the seventh largest
Blasphemer! Profane Scribbler! Writer of Lies! Blaming the Holy
Reagan! Why, why, why, that sentence could have been written by a
liberal!!!!! Choke, cough, gasp!
another apopletic sentence:
is no convincing consensus about a correlation between a bank's size
and supposed efficiencies of scale, and any efficiencies must be
weighed against management inefficiencies associated with complexity
and opacity."
GOD! This sentence says that giant companies, like giant banks, may
not be good for the American economy!!! And that, that, that, it
hints that binges of greed in the private sector do not of necessity
contribute to the well-being of the American community.
"By breaking up the biggest banks, conservatives will
not be putting asunder what the free market has joined together.
Government nurtured these behemoths by weaving an improvident
safety net and by practicing crony capitalism. Dismantling them
would be a blow against government that has become too big not
to fail. Aux barricades!"
Gulp! Choke! Wheeze!! Holy Ronald along with George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush "...practic[ed] crony capitalism"!! We already know that the execrable Bill Clinton and the unmentionable Barack Obama were guilty, but these righteous and godly Republicans, paragons of virtue and sinlessness, they too????? Is there no justice, no love of morality, no standard of truth in this our land?????
I must say it: George F. Will is advocating ideas that the infamous Occupy Wall Street espoused. Of all things! It looks like the New Republicanism starts with this article. They lost bad and they lost big in the last election - echoes of 1948 reverberate across America. Yes, this is the first evidence of change. Let's see what a few more months produce.
Gulp! Choke! Wheeze!! Holy Ronald along with George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush "...practic[ed] crony capitalism"!! We already know that the execrable Bill Clinton and the unmentionable Barack Obama were guilty, but these righteous and godly Republicans, paragons of virtue and sinlessness, they too????? Is there no justice, no love of morality, no standard of truth in this our land?????
I must say it: George F. Will is advocating ideas that the infamous Occupy Wall Street espoused. Of all things! It looks like the New Republicanism starts with this article. They lost bad and they lost big in the last election - echoes of 1948 reverberate across America. Yes, this is the first evidence of change. Let's see what a few more months produce.