Monday, October 1, 2012

The Attack on Benghazi

The Attack in Benghazi

October 1, 2012

On Thursday, September 27, 2012, the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial pointing out the inadequacies of the Obama administration in dealing with the attack on the consulate of Benghazi. First, it was inadequately defended, second, U.S. intelligence organs had received clear warnings of planned attacks, third, the administration tried to cover up its mistakes... You get the picture.

But the penultimate paragraph was a revelation: basically it was one long whine about how the media, and by extension, the American people, strain to make the efforts of Obama both legitimate and appropriate, but, by implication, hold Republicans to a higher standard. It's worth quoting.

"Imagine the uproar, if, barely a month before Election Day, the Bush administration had responded to a terrorist strike - on September 11 no less - in this fashion. Obfuscating about what happened. Refusing to acknowledge that clear security warnings were apparently ignored. Then trying to shoot the messengers who bring these inconvenient truths to light in order to talk about anything but a stunning and deadly attack on U.S. sovereignty."

During the first seven months of the Bush administration, it received numerous warnings of a pending attack. It only released one of those intelligence briefings, saying the date and time of the attack were not specified. I guess the administration couldn't act unless it knew exact date and time, which the Arabs most ungratefully had not provided. This may be viewed as part of their evil, demonic natures.

"Obfuscating about what happened." Bush and his coterie then blamed the attack on Islamic fundamentalists who were envious of American virtue, justice and love of truth. To thinking persons around the world it was obvious that this was a direct consequence of America's unswerving support of Israel. Those planes, tanks, bombs, and other weapons which are used with such deadly effect on Arab populations were sent to Israel by the Americans. What is really surprising is that this attack on America, a privileged sanctuary (read: arsenal), didn't occur sooner. And this obfuscation continues.

"Refusing to acknowledge that clear security warnings were apparently ignored." One American intelligence group, frustrated by Bush's lack of attention and sense of urgency, thought about a mass resignation, dismissing the idea only after considering that there were no replacements.

"Then trying to shoot the messengers who bring these inconvenient truths to light in order to talk about anything but a stunning and deadly attack on U.S. sovereignty." The single intelligence briefing that was published was released only in 2004, only after public pressure. The Bush administration didn't want anybody, let alone messengers, to learn of its incompetence. And then, of course, remember Valerie Palme? For that "Scooter" Libby had to fall on his sword.

With this paragraph the Wall Street Journal has published a powerful indictment of President Bush and his advisers. The editors may have aimed their blow at President Obama, but it is Bush they struck.

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